Past Projects

As part of my coursework, I have worked on various video game projects. I learned about narrative writing, design, and teamwork through these experiences. My earlier work has a lot to be improved upon (namely in prose or execution), but they are worth showing off nevertheless.

In Fall 2023, I published a prototype for an interactive narrative game. In Fall 2022, I conceptualized a story-driven dungeon crawler game with a team of classmates. In Fall 2021, I wrote for a collaborative Twine game. Use the buttons below to view the games and my contributions to them.

Curriculum Vitae

I am currently attending Washington State University for my Bachelor's Degree. I am expected to graduate Fall 2024.

My major is in Digital Technology and Culture (DTC) with a focus on video games; my minor is in Creative Writing with a focus on fiction.

I have also completed a Publishing and Editing certificate and a Game Studies and Design certificate, both of which I will recieve at graduation.

At Washington State University's 2023 DTC Awards and Showcase, I received an award for "Excellence in Game Design & Theory" with my teammates for our work on The Labyrinth of Cryptycial.

If you have any relevant intern positions to offer, please get in contact! You can email me at to see my resume (which lists my notable courses and internship experiences). I would be ecstatic to hear from you.

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