If your question isn't answered here, feel free to email me at louisroseludwig@gmail.com.

“Are you open to new work opportunities at the moment?”

Yes! If you would like to hire me for any creative writing or editing positions, feel free to get in contact with me! I am always looking for work related to video game writing or web editing.

“How often do you post on your blog? Is there a way for me to be notified when you post?"

I do not have a regular blogging schedule at the moment. I also lack email or text notifications, but I am open to implementing one or the other if there is an interest in my content. Stay tuned for future case studies on video game narratives!

"What is the source of the image on [page title]?"

All images on my website are taken or drawn by myself unless stated otherwise.

"Are you active on any social media websites?"

Yes, sort of! I'm most active on Discord (which you'll have to ask me for) but I also use Steam. I am inactive or private on everything else.

Last updated: May 2023

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