My passion paces patiently as it ponders its purpose

Louis Ludwig is my pen name. I am a 21-year-old college student who writes, edits, and creates.

I am an aspiring narrative designer, game writer, and developmental editor. Editing for web-based content is also a passion of mine.

My biggest inspirations are story-driven games such as Planescape: Torment, Psychonauts, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, the Baldur's Gate series, the Mass Effect series, and much more. I'm constantly consuming games, new and old, to enjoy and examine their storytelling methods. CRPGs hold the biggest place in my heart, but I don't discriminate!

I have also written a few game guides on Steam and other websites. Feel free to ask for my Steam profile to see these guides (and a showcase of my favorite games, if you so desire).

You can email me at for inquiries. I also use Discord regularly for personal communications. If you would like to get in closer touch, feel free to ask for my Discord handle in your email and I will happily share it.

Some of my favorite songs, for the soul

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